Committees of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians

ACOEP members are a phenomenal resource! As a member, you are invited to participate in ACOEP’s wide-variety of committees! No matter your interest, ACOEP’s active committees are your avenue to affect lasting change in the medical community. Take a moment to see which committee might suit your needs and look for a meeting at an up coming Spring Seminar or Scientific Assembly!

Interested in a Committee?

We place people on committees throughout the year. Please submit your application here (be prepared to upload a letter of interest and the most recent copy of you CV).

We work to facilitate scholarly activity opportunities for physicians. This committee also liaises with the research committee and the Foundation to facilitate, assess and assist with research opportunities.

We are a dedicated group of individuals looking to ensure that the college continues to meet the needs of its members.  This committee reviews the bylaws and policies on a quarterly basis and brings any suggested updates to the Board for review.

We strive to develop high-quality accredited education programs for the college, ensuring that the college continues to meet the CME needs of its members. We collaborate with other committees to develop programming at both the Spring Seminar and the Scientific Assembly. We meet monthly to review, evaluate and develop the best programming for emergency medicine practitioners.

Our members are dedicated to work with other associations to bring about substantial improvements to the practice of EMS, disaster medicine, international EMS and more. We periodically provide input into the development of pre- and postdoctoral training program standards, and will act as consultants to the CME committee on the development of educational products promoting this area.

Our members work with staff and committee chairs to develop and monitor the college’s annual budget and update the Board regularly on its financial state. We also provide governance of fiduciary documents and work with the bylaws committee to ensure the financial policies continue to meet our member’s needs.

We want to help everyone make the most of their membership and to continually enhance our member benefits. Have thoughts on how to improve the membership experience? Be sure to join the committee and share your great ideas.

Created for physicians who have graduated from residency within the past five years, our committee provides support, guidance and direction to our newer physician members.  We are here to help you traverse this major career transition and will support you through difficult job selection decisions, financial decisions, contract negotiation, work-life balance, and more. Our bi-annual meetings are open forums and we encourage you to join us at the next Spring or Fall conference.

We work to recognize members through potential leadership positions as well as showcasing those dedicated to the EM field.

Nominations: We work with the college leaders to solicit potential board candidates, make our recommendations to the board and fill the yearly slate with qualified individuals from which the membership votes.

Awards: We solicit nominations for our prestigious awards, carefully selecting top candidates for the board to adopt and honor at a yearly ceremony.

Fellowship: We review the fellowship candidates, making sure each person meets the set criteria and providing our recommendations to the board who will bestow the selected individuals the fellow designation.

We understand that wellness encompasses all aspects of life. We are here to support the emergency physician and work to improve the lives of all. This is a young committee and would love your input to help us with strategies around the physical, mental, emotional, and even financial well-being of our members.

Our goal is to develop, maintain and publish policies that enhance practice or provide direction and information for medical professionals and the public on activities pertinent to emergency medicine practice. Join us to help steer the standards of your practice.

We recognize that new discoveries, made through intelligent research, drive medicine. Therefore we work to review research conducted by residents and physicians in the field of emergency medicine, as well as work with FOEM to determine if papers and projects are grant and/or award worthy. In addition, we evaluate research conducted as part of the requirements for resident training. Join this committee to help drive research forward.

We serve as a conduit for information on the practice of and education in emergency medicine. We support our residents and students as they learn the ropes of being an emergency physician. From helping students transition the chasm between medical school and residency to moving residents through their programs to be young physicians, we are ready to guide and help.

We promote the education, mentoring and professional guidance of women in emergency medicine through supportive programming.  We look to educate all genders on the challenges that women face and create open dialogue that develops strategies to address these challenges.