Starting a New Program in Emergency Medicine

The American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians is deeply committed to creating excellent opportunities for training physicians and has developed a process that, when used, will help institutions develop a successful program. We ask that you take a few minutes to review this document and its various sections which will better explain the process, timeline, as well as answer the frequently asked questions. Please be sure to complete the Crosswalk, which is located in the Training Standards section of this website. Click here to download the Guidelines for Starting a New Program in Emergency Medicine.

Ten Must-Meet Criteria

  1. Program Faculty consisting of EM Board-certified physicians as Department Chair, Program Director and four Core Faculty members.
  2. Compensated protected time contracted for all of the above.
  3. Have the scope and variety to support a residency program with at least four approved residency positions per year. (Committee approval needed)
  4. Minimum emergency medicine patient volume of 30,000 at the base institution.
  5. An affiliated EM site with at least 15,000 patient volumes.
  6. Affiliation or letter of intent from the affiliated site and out rotation sites. Core faculty, with scholarly activity within the last four years must be provided.
  7. 24/7 board certified EM physicians on staff in the ED for resident supervision.
  8. Four year Curriculum; to include Rotations with Goals and Objectives.
  9. Four year Curriculum; to include Proposed Didactic Conference schedule.
  10. Evaluation Tools in place for Residents, Faculty and the Program.


Timeline for beginning a New Residency Program in Emergency Medicine

Click here to download the timeline information for beginning a new residency program in emergency medicine!