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ACOEP’s Committee for Women in Emergency Medicine was established in 2018 to provide a network and platform for the advancement of female physicians in emergency medicine. The committee provides a network of education, mentoring, and guidance in personal and professional leadership skills. The percentage of women going into careers in medicine, as well as emergency medicine is growing, however the number of women in senior leadership positions has not grown in proportion.

As a Committee within the College, we are here to educate members of both genders on the numerous challenges that women face including pay gaps, family leave policies, and gender bias that affect career progression. We hope to increase awareness on gender issues in medicine in general. By identifying and openly discussing the barriers to the advancement of women in emergency medicine, we can have open conversations with all the stake holders and develop strategies to address them.

Through public relations and legislative influence, we support our members, female physicians, emergency doctors, and the general public by effectively lobbying for fair treatment, equitable policies, and social justice for everyone involved in the field. The committee hopes to construct solutions to accentuate the positives and moderate the negative consequences of gender bias. The platform provided by the Committee allows physicians to act collectively through a national organization and gives leverage to white papers to influence policy and protect the rights of women in emergency medicine.

We aim to empower women with strategies to thrive personally and professionally. Our seminars aim to build leadership skills and promote negotiating strategies to leverage the strengths of our members. We hold education tracks twice a year at our annual Scientific Assembly and Spring Seminar. The Committee also tries to lead by example through philanthropic events with organizations including the Girl Scouts and women’s shelters. We provide visible role models and have a positive impact on the next generation of women. At ACOEP’s national conferences, we also hold a Women’s Lunch to encourage networking and to celebrate the accomplishments of the leaders among us and recognize their important contributions to the field.

For more information regarding ACOEP’s Women in Emergency Medicine Committee, please contact

Check out the latest issue of The Pulse below! Visit pages 13 & 19 for specific updates from the Committee!

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