Dear friends and colleagues,

Due to the extraordinary hardship currently being experienced by Americans across the country, ACOEP’s Committee for Women in Emergency Medicine asks you to participate in our food drive this year. All members, friends, staff, hospitals, recreational groups, and Facebook friends, are encouraged to come together and donate to help those in need. As emergency physicians, we see these individuals in our own emergency departments, and are aware of just how many people have to make the decision to ‘heat or eat’ during the cold winter months. This year will be difficult for those who have not experienced this kind of hardship in the past and even more so for those who have needed assistance long before the Pandemic.

To participate, we ask that you simply gather your monetary or food donations, take a picture of yourself and your friends on the date of donation (with the following flyer), and send it to the Women’s Committee at Please download this flyer to use in your photo at the time of donation. Throughout the drive, we will update our website with a list of all donors and will keep a running tally of the funds raised as well as the number of participants.

Every little bit helps. But those who know me will tell you that I will ask you to “give till it hurts.” On your worst day, you have food and shelter. Please give to those who may not be so fortunate.

Very respectfully yours,

Jennifer Himmel Salch, DO
Vice Chair, Philanthropy
ACOEP Women’s Committee