President’s Report
G. Joseph Beirne, DO, FACOEP-D

Hello ACOEP family! As I write my last article as president of the college, it is a beautiful Fall day here in St. Louis. Sunny, low 70s, low humidity, a day that made me reminisce about my last three years in leadership of the college. I became president-elect in 2019 at the Scientific Assembly in Austin, Texas. During my two years as presidentelect, I learned the “job” of what being the president of our college would entail. In February 2020, Bob Suter (who was president at the time), and I attended the AOA mid-year meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida. There, we met with AOA leadership and presented our case regarding the creation of a remedy to allow AOBEM-boarded diplomates, who are also EMS medical directors, to take the EMS subspecialty exam (formerly called CAQ-EMS). This was a long, uphill battle, but I am happy to report that we were successful in our appeal to AOA leadership! Just a few weeks ago, AOBEM released the eligibility criteria for the examination. During my tenure as one of the leaders of our college, this was one of my proudest moments. Read more from Dr. Beirne.