Please note that the ACOEP offices will be closed on the following dates: December 23, 2021 – January 3, 2022
Important News & Information2018-07-18T13:33:41-05:00

ACGME’s Proposed Changes to Emergency Medicine Residency Requirements

The ACOEP and ACOEP-RSO recognize that the ACGME’s proposed revisions to the Emergency Medicine residency program requirements introduce several significant changes, particularly the transition to a standardized 48-month curriculum (proposed effective date: July 1, 2027). The ACGME asserts that these updates reflect the evolving landscape of emergency medicine education, addressing critical areas such as clinical exposure, competency development, and patient care preparedness. As dedicated advocates for emergency medicine residents and students, we acknowledge the impact these proposed changes may have on our community. Therefore, we encourage you to stay informed and [...]

February 14th, 2025|Categories: News|

ACOEP Statement in Regard to NES Health

ACOEP stands in solidarity with our emergency medicine colleagues impacted by the recent challenges surrounding National Emergency Services Health (NES). We remain committed to advocating for our members and the broader emergency medicine community during this difficult time.  For ACOEP members facing financial hardship due to this situation, we offer the opportunity to apply for assistance with their dues. We are here to support our members and all emergency medicine physicians dedicated to saving lives every day. Access to reliable and affordable medical malpractice insurance is essential for all physicians. [...]

December 13th, 2024|Categories: News|

Statement on the Emergency Medicine 2024 Match Results

In the 2024 Match, we enthusiastically welcomed over 3000 new residents to Emergency Medicine!Much has been said about the EM Match of the last 2 years. This year’s results are a testament to the resilience of our specialty, an acknowledgment of the critical role EM holds in the House of Medicine, and a result of dedicated work from many stakeholders. Our specialty thanks everyone for their hard work and dedication in recruiting our new and talented residents, who meet the mission and vision of our EM Programs.Our EM organizations commit to [...]

March 18th, 2024|Categories: News|

EM DO Student Proud!

The ACOEP Board along with our RSO Board wish to recognize and support our medical student members pursuing EM residency positions during this interview season. Our EM DO student representation is stronger than ever. They are the future of ACOEP and emergency medicine! ACOEP is here for you now, in the future, and always. We are excited for match day and having you as a resident member!

October 27th, 2023|Categories: News|

Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act H.R. 2584

Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act H.R. 2584 – Introduced in April 2023 by Larry Buchson, M.D. (R – Ind. 08) and Madeline Dean (D – Pa. 04). Sens Marco Rubio (R – FL) and Joe Manchin (D – WV) introduced the companion bill today in the US Senate. The SAVE Act, if passes, provides much needed protections for our healthcare workers.  The bill, which is modeled after current protections for aircraft and airport workers, like flight crews and attendants, would create enhanced legal penalties for individuals who [...]

September 20th, 2023|Categories: News|

How to Prepare for the Return of Student Loan Payments

If you were unable to attend the “How to Prepare for the Return of Student Loan Payments” webinar that took place Wednesday, September 6th at 1:00pm Eastern Time we have a link for you to check it out! With the federal student loan payment pause officially expiring, student loan interest will resume starting on Sept. 1st and payments will be due starting in October. Now is the time to get your questions answered and start planning for the changes ahead. Laurel Road will share best practices to evaluate, identify, and [...]

September 8th, 2023|Categories: News|

Non-Compete Clause Rulemaking, Matter No. P201200

April 19, 2023 Lina M. Khan Chair Federal Trade Commission Office of the Secretary 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Suite CC-5610 (Annex C) Washington, DC 20580 Re: Non-Compete Clause Rulemaking, Matter No. P201200 Dear Chairwoman Khan: On behalf of the undersigned 46 organizations representing more than 178,000 osteopathic physicians (DOs) and osteopathic medical students, we thank you for this opportunity to comment on the Non-Compete Clause Proposed Rule. We appreciate the work that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has undertaken to ensure that businesses may no longer abuse non-compete clauses to [...]

April 24th, 2023|Categories: News|

Learn How to Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt Webinar Recording

If you were unable to attend the “Learn How to Take Control of Your Student Loan Debt” webinar that took place Wednesday, April 12th at 1:00pm Eastern Time we have a link for you to check it out! With the federal student loan payment pause expected to expire by June 30, and interest rates on the rise, it’s an uncertain time for many borrowers. Now is the time to get your questions answered and start planning for the changes ahead. Laurel Road will share best practices to evaluate, identify, and [...]

April 20th, 2023|Categories: News|

FY 2024 Appropriations Recommendations Related to Strengthening the Addiction Service Workforce

March 23, 2023 The Honorable Tammy Baldwin Chair Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Washington, DC 20510 The Honorable Shelly Moore Capito Ranking Member Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Robert Aderholt Chair Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies U.S. House Appropriations Committee Washington, DC 20515 The Honorable Rosa DeLauro Ranking Member Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies U.S. House Appropriations Committee Washington, DC 20515 Re: FY 2024 Appropriations [...]

March 29th, 2023|Categories: News|

Prior Authorization Sign-On Final Letter

March 13, 2023 The Honorable Chiquita Brooks-LaSure Administrator Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Attention: CMS-0057-P 7500 Security Boulevard Baltimore, MD 21244 Re: Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes for Medicare Advantage Organizations, Medicaid Managed Care Plans, State Medicaid Agencies, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Agencies and CHIP Managed Care Entities, Issuers of Qualified Health Plans on the Federally-Facilitated Exchanges, Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) Eligible Clinicians, and Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access Hospitals in the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program (CMS-0057-P) Dear [...]

March 15th, 2023|Categories: News|

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