ACOEP Welcomes Two Newest Members of the Team
We are thrilled to announce two new players joining the ACOEP team—Gabi Crowley, Digital Media Coordinator, and Nicole Heilman, Continuing Medical Education Manager. Both women come to ACOEP with excellent experience and vision, and are certain to be valuable assets to the entire ACOEP family. “Nicole and Gabi are vital additions to ACOEP,” says Executive Director Jan Wachtler. “They each bring something new to the table and I’m confident that they will help to continue ACOEP’s success.” A native of Orland Park, Illinois and a graduate of Illinois State University, Nicole [...]
Idaho Osteopathic Physicians Association Hosting “Rediscovering Meaning in Our Work”
Idaho Osteopathic Physicians Association Announces Exciting New Opportunity in Physician Wellness While working day in and day out in an emergency department is rewarding, it can also be equally draining. Emergency physicians face staggering rates of burnout and can quickly become disillusioned, depressed, and caught in a dangerous spiral. It is crucial to guard against physician burnout and to take steps to remain healthy and engaged. Idaho Osteopathic Physicians Association is hosting a three-day conference, “Rediscovering Meaning in Our Work,” on June 16-18th in Sun Valley Idaho. This seminar is aimed [...]
You’re Finally Making Money. Now What?
NPIP's Bradley Chappell, DO shares his own experiences an insight to help physicians save and spend wisely at the beginning of their careers. Investment and Savings Advice from ACOEP's New Physicians in Practice Most of my friends might generously call me a frugal spender. I consider myself fiscally conservative. My wife has gone as far as calling me cheap, but as a family, we have everything we need, and more. The fact is, when she wanted a bigger car to fit the two giant car seats for the kids and [...]
Are You Paying More than 6% on Your Student Loans?
Megan Koenig, DO, MBA, MS New Physicians in Practice Committee Past-Chair We are pleased to welcome guest blogger Megan Koenig, Past-Chair of ACOEP's New Physicians in Practice Committee, as she demystifies the student loan refinancing process. In the spirit of Spring, it is always a good time to do some “spring cleaning” of your finances. For many of us, our student loan burden is in the greatest need of cleaning. If you are still paying over 6% in interest then you need to refinance ASAP! Most physicians these [...]
ACOEP Member JD Polk Making News
ACOEP Members are consistently making news nation-wide. We're very proud of our own J.D. Polk, DO, who was interviewed for a recent story in Conde Nast Traveler. Dr. Polk is a senior medical officer with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and weighed in on a story about mid-flight emergencies. Check out what Dr. Polk has to say!
When It’s Our Turn
Frank Gabrin, DO, is a regular contributor to The Pulse. Check out a sneak peak of his upcoming article, "When It's Our Turn," detailing his harrowing experience on the other side of the patient-physician experience. See the print version when it comes out in the April issue of The Pulse. I woke up alone on a stretcher feeling disoriented and drugged. I had horrible epigastric abdominal pain and felt like I was about to throw up. What was going on? I couldn’t remember anything. I had on two pairs [...]
Nevada Congressman, and ACOEP Member Speaks Out
Nevada Congressman, and ACOEP Member Joseph Heck, DO, is pushing for change. Watch as he touts the benefits of H.R. H.R. 4365, the Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medications Act of 2016. “Not sure we could have written a better lede for the story,” says a spokesman for Dr. Heck, “[than] ‘A Nevada Congressman is pushing to make sure emergency medical teams retain the ability to administer life-saving medicine in the field.’” You don’t need to be a congressman to make your voice heard for emergency medical issues on a state, [...]
Welcome to ACOEP’s New Online Home!
We are thrilled to unveil our newly, redesigned website! After careful planning, suggestions from our members, and new updates we have created a site that it more streamlined, interactive, and easier to navigate. Take a moment to explore the new site and its features. Browse the member section, to see the great support ACOEP offers you at every level of your career. Visit the education and events section where you can find all you need to know about upcoming events, how to apply to join our faculty, access the Digital Classroom, [...]
Are You Ready to Face COLAs?
Many of you may have heard colleagues complain about the daunting COLA requirements that loom over our heads each recertification cycle! But most of us have no clue what COLA stands for, let alone what they are, where to find them or what they mean with regards to our certification. The fact is they are really pretty simple, just another hoop to jump through for recertification. Once you are officially board certified in EM, your certificate will state an expiration date that is 10 years out, by this date you [...]
Active Shooter Resources from the Department of Homeland Securty
Active shooter situations have become devastatingly familiar to the American public. While there is no consensus on what can and should be done about it, preparedness is key in minimizing the horrifying effects of an active shooter. The Department of Homeland Security has issued a brief statement and list of resources to aid in preparing for a terrible situation such as this.