Statement from ACOEP President Robert E. Suter, DO, MHA, FACOEP-D
ACOEP is a family, and we know that many of our members especially people of color – physicians, residents, students, and our staff - are hurting and angry over the death of George Floyd and other Black Americans. Our community is our strength and so we must grieve together, while resolving to work together to create a better future. ACOEP stands united firmly against racism, unconscious bias, and unequal treatment in all of its horrific forms. We are vehemently antiracist. As emergency physicians dedicated to saving lives, the thought of [...]
Mental Health Resources Available for Front Line Healthcare Workers
In the best of times, emergency physicians are often at the greatest risk for burnout. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this critical danger is thrown into even starker relief. The tragic loss of Dr. Lorna M. Breen in New York City recently further highlights the very real risks emergency medicine providers face. While working to protect your patients, colleagues, and families, it is imperative that you take time to protect yourself, to check in on your own emotional and mental well-being, and to be sure that you are coping with the [...]
Protect Parents Who Serve as Emergency Physicians
ACOEP has learned of several cases in which the COVID-19 crisis is being utilized against emergency physicians in custody cases as a justification for taking children from their parents, sometimes defying court-ordered custody arrangements. Weaponizing an already traumatic situation as a means to harm the very individuals who place themselves at the front lines of this pandemic is abhorrent. Emergency physicians place the upmost importance on the health and safety of our communities, and it should not need to be stated that this unquestionably extends to the very children of [...]
The ED Must Adjust to Meet the Needs of the Pandemic
During this time of crisis, as emergency departments everywhere fight the onslaught of COVID-19 patients, the entire emergency medicine team—physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, and others—have been courageous in their willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty. It is imperative that when lives are on the line the emergency department remains a physician-led team, respecting the unique training and experience each professional brings. At the same time, the lifting of certain bureaucratic restrictions in the areas hardest hit by the outbreak would enable the care team to more rapidly and effectively treat critical [...]
Dr. Mark Cichon Assists In Design Of COVID-19 Intubation Aid
Along with the team at Windy City Plastics, ACOEP member Mark E. Cichon, D.O., FACOEP (dist) assisted in the design of the Physician’s Protection Box. The invention helps physicians with the intubation of patients suspected of being infected with COVID-19. In an unrelated study done by the The New England Journal of Medicine, a simulated cough conducted inside of the similarily-designed, "aerosol box," resulted in contamination only being found inside of the box and on the laryngoscopist’s gloves and gowned forearms. When this same study was conducted using PPE without [...]
To our fellow citizens, friends, and families, We are faced today with a health care crisis the likes of which we’ve never before encountered. This rapidly spreading pandemic will require everyone to do their part to slow and eventually stop its spread. Everything turns on our willingness to work together toward this solidarity of purpose: To confront COVID-19, mitigate this pandemic, and minimize the loss of life. What You Can Do Commit to practicing social distancing. Social distancing is the only way to “flatten” the epidemic curve, and it will [...]
Congress and the White House Must Act Now to Increase PPE Production and Distribution
Emergency physicians are risking their lives every day to wage war on COVID-19 and they are doing so without access to basic protective equipment, directly endangering themselves, their families, and their patients. Physicians from across the country are reporting not having masks, making their own personal protective equipment (PPE), bringing anything they can from home to help. The hashtag #GetMePPE features physicians sharing their struggle to obtain even the most basic of protective equipment, and tagging their representatives of every political stripe in a plea for help. The United States [...]
COVID19: EM Perspective and What You Need to Know
By Stephanie Davis, DO FACOEP As the first of two emergency medicine physicians have fallen critically ill during the writing of this, ACOEP is deeply saddened but not surprised. As emergency physicians, we know the risk of the blessed position we have to serve our patients. As a specialty, across the world we find ourselves responding to a viral spread of unprecedented proportions. Lack of information leads to panic. Our goal is to keep you up to date with concise easy to find information. History suggests that we [...]
ACOEP’s 2020 Spring Seminar is Moving Online!
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, the increased restrictions and pressures put on emergency medicine staff, and out of care of the health and safety of our members and communities, ACOEP’s 2020 Spring Seminar is moving online! The live, online course will take place over April 14th-16th. More information regarding dates, schedule, lecture topics, CME hours and more will be sent out very soon. Those who have already registered for Spring Seminar do not need to take any action. You will automatically be enrolled in our virtual classroom and will [...]
President’s Message to ACOEP Members Regarding COVID-19
As an EM Family we must stand together in this very difficult time, and your College is committed to helping you and our community do that. We are receiving reports from members working at hospitals particularly hard-hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, and know that hospital preparedness for this pandemic is variable. As emergency physicians you and our teammates are putting your lives on the line every day, and are now going well beyond the call of duty. Please use all available precautions to stay safe as you continue to care [...]