
Started in 1985, is published quarterly and distributed at no cost to ACOEP’s members, libraries, sponsors, and liaison agencies.  showcases our dynamic and relevant content—case studies, research, expert opinions, news of ACOEP and more! For the latest issue of , please click here, or feel free to browse the archives for past issues!

Looking for an old issue of ? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered! You can view our online library of previous issues on

Have you recently had an interesting case or experience in your emergency department? Are you involved with a group doing innovative work? Do you have insight or opinions on issues facing your fellow osteopathic emergency physicians? We would love to hear from you! ACOEP is looking for new physicians to share their expertise with our membership as writers for . If you’re interested in contributing articles for us, or would like more information, please contact:


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The Fast Track

The Fast Track is the official publication of the ACOEP Resident Student Organization (RSO). It’s your online source for the latest news from the RSO, as well as a variety of articles ranging from case reports and research reviews, to opinion-based pieces. At the end of the year, a collection of the best articles from those submitted will be featured in a printed version of The Fast Track Anthology.


The Fast Track as we know it was founded in 2011 by Tanner Gronowski and John Donahue as a replacement for the previous paper newsletters created by the ACOEP Student Chapter at the time. After years of diligent work, The Fast Track went from a stapled paper newsletter to a designed publication with a gamut of thoughtful and informative articles.

In 2017, The Fast Track transitioned to an online platform hosted on the ACOEP Resident Student Organization’s website, which has allowed us to publish articles more readily and share those articles on social media with all our members. The new format will encourage discussion between readers both on social media and on our website. This is a new era for The Fast Track and we are glad you’re are joining us.

Check out the latest articles here.


Past Issues

Check out the current and all past issues of The Fast Track online at

Call for Contributors

We are currently taking submissions for future issues of The Fast Track! If you have any questions, or would like more information on how to get involved, please email

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WestJEM and ACOEP: A Proud Partnership

ACOEP is proud to partner with The Western Journal of Emergency Medicine (WestJEM) and to provide our members with access to this wonderful publication!

WestJEM, originally the California Journal of Emergency Medicine (CalJEM), was founded in July 2000 by Editor-in-Chief Dr. Robert W. Derlet from the University of California, Davis School of Medicine. CalJEM started as a 4-8 page newsletter distributed quarterly to 200 members of the California Chapter of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (Cal/AAEM). In January of 2001 Cal/AAEM President Dr. Antoine Kazzi from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) assumed the role of Managing Editor, and in July 2002 Dr. Robert Rodriguez, at the time from Alameda County Medical Center Emergency Medicine Residency Program, assumed the role of Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Warren Wiechmann, a medical student at the time, began posting the journal online at Over the years CalJEM expanded in content and scope into a print journal distributed to over 2500 individuals in California with support from Cal/AAEM and the Emergency Department (ED) at the UCI School of Medicine.

WestJEM is now indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, CINAHL, and the Directory of Open Access Journals. Our most immediate goal is to increase submissions to the Journal and to obtain MEDLINE indexing. It would be too easy to allow a publisher to take over the journal, charge subscription and rid WestJEM of the unique quality of being open access. But WestJEM full-heartedly believes in the free exchange of ideas and that scholarly work should be available to all without impediment. With the continual support of our excellent editorial staff, our section editors, editorial board, reviewers, many sponsors including, emergency departments throughout the United States, and our major society sponsors, Cal/AAEM and now Cal/ACEP and ACOEP, the growth for all involved can only be greater.