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Yalaunda Thomas, MD

Yalaunda M. Thomas, MD is an attending physician specializing in Trauma Surgery, Surgical Critical Care, and Neurocritical Care at Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, IL. In the past she worked as Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University where she was also Assistant Program Director in the Surgical Critical Care Program. She has served as an invited speaker with many national organizations including the American Medical Association, ASC Clinical Congress, National Medical Association, and the Union County EMS & OSUMC Center for EMS Trauma Seminar. She is the recipient of Chicago Committee on Trauma Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor of the Year 2012 award, as well as Society of Black Academic Surgeons Leadership Institute SBAS Leadership Fellow 2008 & 2009, and Certificate of Commendation in The Office of Diversity and Cultural Affairs.

Speaker Survey