National Government Services, a Medicare billing contractor, has proposed a policy called a Local Coverage Determination (LCD), that will make it difficult to bill Medicare for any medical office visits when OMT is performed.

If passed, this policy will automatically impact ten states including- Illinois, Minnesota, Connecticut, Wisconsin, New York, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, Main and Rhode Island, and will most likely be a policy that many Medicare contractors and private insurers across the country adopt.

This Local Coverage Determination policy goes against how DOs practice and restricts patientsā€™ access to effective pain-relieving treatments during this time when the healthcare system is researching non-opioid methods for treating chronic pain.

PleaseĀ take a few minutes to help protect your patients, your practice, and all other OMT practices across the country by preventing this policy from being adopted. Feel free to use your own comments to voice your concerns, as personal statements will make the biggest impact. Click here to voice your concern now!