Finding the Best Path Forward for ACOEP’s 2020 Spring Seminar
ACOEP staff has been receiving many inquiries regarding plans for the upcoming 2020 Spring Seminar. At this moment the ACOEP Board, Spring Seminar planning committee, and staff are working diligently to find the best possible solution for our members and partners. We take issues of public health very seriously and understand the demands the strain on our healthcare system takes on the time of our physicians. In the coming days we will reach out with details regarding the conference and any changes that may be deemed necessary. We are working [...]
Emergency Medicine Resources for Combating COVID-19
As the world races to combat COVID-19, it can be difficult to differentiate between hype and facts. Staying current on epidemiology is critical in combating the spread of the virus and maintaining a safe ED. Below are some helpful links and we invite our members to share further information in the comments and we will continue to update this post with new information. Healthcare Planning Checklist, The US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response CDC Interim Clinical Guidance for Management of [...]
ACOEP’s Spring Seminar Moves Forward in Face of COVID-19 Threat
As the world responds to the COVID-19 outbreak, preparations for ACOEP’s 2020 Spring Seminar continue moving forward at full speed. No one knows the risks of the COVID-19 outbreak better than emergency medicine professionals who have long stood on the front line of healthcare. While public worry regarding travel and large groups rises, emergency medicine professionals are accustomed to the risk of infectious disease. These hazards are a daily staple of life in the ED. ACOEP will continue to monitor the situation closely and issue alerts as quickly as possible [...]
Joint Statement Opposing Expanding Graduate Medical Education Funding to Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Haig Aintablian, MDa; Gabriel Stahl, MDb; Gregory Jasani, MDb; Hannah R. Hughes, MD, MBAc; Allison Beaulieu, MDd; Nehal Naik, MD e; Christina Hornack, DOf aAmerican Academy of Emergency Medicine Resident and Student Association (AAEM/RSA), President bAmerican Academy of Emergency Medicine Resident and Student Association (AAEM/RSA), Member-at-Large cEmergency Medicine Residents’ Association, President dCouncil of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine, Resident Member-at-Large eSociety for Academic Emergency Medicine Residents and Medical Students, President fAmerican College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians Resident Student Organization (ACOEP-RSO), President On December 18th, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released [...]
Your Action is Needed Now to Stop Surprise Billing!
For months ACOEP has joined with other leaders in emergency medicine to lobby Congress to act with extreme caution when drafting legislation that could limit access to quality emergency medical care. Therefore, we stand in support of H.R. 5826, Consumer Protections Against Surprise Medical Bills Act of 2020, as introduced on February 10, 2020. According to the Congressional Budget Office, H.R. 5826 “would establish patient protections from surprise medical billing and establish a process to resolve disputes between health care providers and insurers that are unable to reach agreement on [...]
Planned Changes within United Healthcare Will Harm Access to Quality Emergency Medicine Care
United Healthcare (UHC) recently announced that beginning April 1, 2020 they will screen all Level 5 evaluation and management code 99285 emergency department claims for possible downcoding or denial using the Optum Evaluation and Management Professional (E&M Pro) tool. The E&M Pro uses patient age and diagnosis to consider either automatically downgrading the claim to a lower level, or to deny the claim altogether. “ACOEP stands in firm opposition to this practice,” says ACOEP President Robert Suter, DO, MHA, FACOEP-D. “This action will undermine patient access to emergency care and exacerbate the problem of [...]
Now is Your Chance to Join the ACOEP Board!
ACOEP is looking for dedicated members to help carry out our mission and support emergency medicine nationwide by serving on the ACOEP Board of Directors. Your involvement on the Board of Directors as an active and engaged member is what drives our community forward! Members are encouraged to nominate a qualifying colleague, or to self-nominate if you know you have the passion and vision to contribute to our growing College. This is your opportunity to have a voice at the highest level of our organization! We are seeking emergency physicians [...]
AOBEM Announces Major Changes to Certification Requirements
On January 22nd the American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine (AOBEM) announced major changes to the certification process. Primarily, the new Continuous Osteopathic Recertification Examination (CORE) will replace the Cognitive Assessment Recertification Examinations physicians needed to take every ten years. Any physician whose certification expires in 2020 or after is eligible to participate in the new CORE process. If a physician’s certification expired in 2019 or earlier, they will need to fulfill the previous requirements. Although ACOEP does not set the process or requirements for certification, we are committed to helping [...]
Looking Forward To A Successful 2020!
With gratitude from ACOEP’s Board and Staff, we wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for being a part of the ACOEP Family. We are excited to offer excellent and expanded programs in 2020, empower our members to provide outstanding care for themselves and their patients, and vigorously advocate on behalf of our emergency medicine community. As we hit the ground running to best serve you in 2020 and beyond, we wanted to share a few highlights of what we proudly accomplished in 2019 through the [...]
Janice Wachtler, BAE Retires as ACOEP Prepares for the Future
ACOEP Executive Director Janice Wachtler with ACOEP Past President Mark Mitchell at the 2019 Scientific Assembly January marks the end of an era for the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP) as longtime Executive Director Janice Wachtler, BAE officially enters retirement. “For decades Jan’s name has been synonymous with ACOEP,” said ACOEP President Robert Suter, DO, MHA, FACOEP-D. “It’s safe to say we would not be where we are without her stewardship, and ACOEP will not be the same without her in the driver’s seat.” Jan’s tenure [...]