Recognize an Outsanding Resident in Your ED
Calling all Program Directors! Know of a resident that you feel should be recognized for their work? Nominate them for The American Osteopathic Foundation's Outstanding Resident of the Year Award. The deadline to nominate is July 1st. Residents work hard, shoulder to shoulder with their attending mentors. It's time to recognize those who go above and beyond. Click here for more information and to submit your recommendation.
Important New Changes To ACOEP’s Member Database
ACOEP’s Member Services Department is thrilled to present our new member portal, MemberSuite. This new system features a more robust, secure platform. Today you can check your member status, and register for the Written Board Prep and Oral Board Review. Over the summer we will continuously roll out new features. In the coming months you will be able to: -Easily register for conferences -Track CME earned through ACOEP -Access to certification information -Explore a new portal for ACOEP committee involvement -Utilize a simpler process for dues renewals -Enjoy peace of [...]
Annual A-ACGME Paradigm Survey Data Collection
There’s no denying it: EM programs are changing as a direct result of changes to accreditation rules and procedures. The ACOEP-ACGME Paradigm Research Group (A-APRG) wants to know just how those changes are affecting programs. Supported by the Board of the ACOEP and is endorsed by Dr. Mancini, Chair of the Program Director’s Committee, A-ARPG has a series of questions, collecting data on the change in previously osteopathic and dual-certified programs to determine costs, quality, and satisfaction. This yearly survey is intended to provide needed information on the ACGME milestones project [...]
The Truth About Drowning
(Chicago, IL) Drowning is a major cause of death to both children and adults. Keeping families safe in the summer months is incredibly important, however, media reports continue to use the terms ‘near drowning,’ ‘dry drowning,’ and ‘secondary drowning,’ which cause unnecessary fear due to incorrect terminology. While drowning is a leading cause of preventable pediatric death, there are no medical conditions known as ‘near drowning,’ ‘dry drowning,’ or ‘secondary drowning.’ ACOEP urges the media and public to abandon use of these terms when speaking or writing about drowning as [...]
Update Regarding Proposed Bylaws Changes
In response to the concerns expressed by members regarding the recently proposed revision of the Bylaws, the Board of Directors of the ACOEP met on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 to review the comments and take any action necessary. While ACOEP considers emergency nurse practitioners to be an integral part of the emergency medicine practice paradigm, we do not endorse or defend the solo unsupervised practice of these professionals. Physician extenders aid and assist emergency physicians by taking the non-critical cases and under the supervision of physicians determine patient dispositions. With these [...]
February 15, 2018 OPEN LETTER TO THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS Colleagues: I am writing to provide you with some important updates and information about the AOA’s Certifying Board Services through the American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine (AOBEM). For those who may not be aware, I currently serve as the new AOA Vice President of Certifying Board Services. As Vice Chair of the Bureau for Osteopathic Specialists (BOS), I had the opportunity to work closely with many of the Certifying Board chairs in evolving AOA board certification over [...]
Proposed Changes to ACOEP’s Bylaws
ACOEP’s Board of Directors invites all members to review and respond to proposed changes to ACOEP’s bylaws expanding the ACOEP Board to include one voting member representing the Foundation for Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (FOEM) and one representing the American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners. ACOEP will hold a reciprocal voting the AAENP Boards. In the emergency department it is crucial that physicians, nurse practitioners, residents and students operate as a cohesive team; each maintaining a distinct role, and each working with one another to ensure success. By expanding the Board and [...]
ACOEP Statement Regarding Larry Nassar And The LA Times
Recently, the Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece by Virginia Heffernan, in which she she falsely equates former doctor Larry Nassar’s abusive actions with osteopathic treatment. It is our sincere hope that the public understands that in Ms. Virginia Heffernan’s quest to shed light on the tragedy of Larry Nassar’s abuse of young girls and woman, she has grossly mispresented the practice of osteopathy and maligned all osteopathic physicians along the way. Larry Nassar sexually abused over 150 girls and young women over the course of his career as a [...]
Spotlight Q&A: ACOEP President, Christine F. Giesa, DO, FACOEP-d
From serving on the Continuing Medical Education Committee, to helping create the COLA Review Course and ACOEP’s Council for Women in Emergency Medicine, Christine F. Giesa, DO, FACOEP-d, has been an important asset to the College for more than 23 years. And this year, as the first mother and second woman, Dr. Giesa will serve as the 20th President of ACOEP’s Board of Directors. We talked with Dr. Giesa about everything, from her plans for the College’s future to what movie we can find her watching on a day off. Get [...]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press Inquiries Contact: Erin Sernoffsky Director, Media Services 312.445.5709 Five Board Members Sworn in at the 2017 Scientific Assembly [Chicago, IL] On November 5th, Christine Giesa, DO, FACOEP-D became the 21st Board President of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP). In a ceremony during the annual membership meeting at the 2017 Scientific Assembly in Denver, Colorado, outgoing President John C. Prestosh, DO, FACOEP-D administered the oath of office to Dr. Giesa, as well as Robert Suter, DO, MHA, FACOEP, FACEP, FIFEM, who was instated as [...]